Tag Archives: Checkers

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 10 of Level 2, 22 September 2021


Wednesday 22 September 2021, Day 10 of Level 2 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#gratefui for a wonderful hot day, at 26C, with amazing sunsets tonight; for 2 Discovery Gameboard plays, allowing me to buy a Woolworths shopping voucher; for a hard working day, every second weekday being a catch up day, it getting busier and busier, luckily being at home all day until late this afternoon when I drove to Zest to welcome Mamohau Seseane, a Kfm presenter on Sunday evenings, with the most beautiful voice, we having last seen each other dancing at HQ two years ago; for a Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 36 of Level 3, 31 August 2021


Tuesday 31 August 2021, Day 36 of Level 3. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a day that went from zero to 100 🙏; for being very organized in getting my work done this morning, preparing for two Status meetings, getting my blogpost posted; and even fitting in a Bakoven walk; for getting a pool problem attended to; for a quick shop at Checkers and Woolies in Sea Point; for excellent Status Meetings with newkings boutique hotel and Zest Restaurant, so happy that a former client is helping out at Zest, our meeting like those of old times; for doing my monthly petrol fill-up at BP President, my favorite attendant Mike unfortunately not there; for finally being Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 20 of Level 4, 17 July 2021.


Saturday 17 July 2021, Day 20 of Level 4😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a peaceful night’s sleep; for a beautiful day, at 18C and sunny, and feeling the love from good friends; for getting my client work done so that I could leave home with a clear conscience, after a Bakoven walk; for picking up an order at Hartlief at High Constantia, the service sadly not matching that of the Garden’s Centre branch; for exceptional service at Woolworths and Checkers at Constantia Emporium 👏👏👏; for a lovely afternoon at the home of Rose Klein and Werner, spoilt with the lovely lunch of Gulasch; Kartoffelknödel (dumplings) and red cabbage, evoking memories Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 2 of Level 4, 29 June 2021.


Tuesday 29 June 2021, Day 2 of Level 4 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for another day of rain, rain, rain, and more to come until the weekend; for a better night’s sleep, with a very early working break in-between; for a hard-working morning; for a quick Bakoven walk at lunchtime, staying dry for half an hour; for getting my car filled up at BP President, missing the lovely Mike who was not on duty today, using slightly less than a full tank this month; for a client management meeting, organizing things for the next two weeks; for a cat food shop at Checkers, with much better service than I usually experience; for a good efficient shop at Woolies; for a good step walk in our garage; and for being healthy and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →