Tag Archives: Computicket

Sweet Service Award goes to Computicket Camps Bay ; Sour Service Award goes to Discovery Insure!


The Sweet Service Award goes to Computicket at the Theater on the Bay, and its star staff member William. I was looking to buy one ticket for a Mozart Symphony Performance at the City Hall, receiving the bad news telephonically that there was only one last seat available right at the back of the Hall. When I arrived to pay for the ticket, William told me that he managed to find one ticket in the front row, remembering that it is my favourite row. It was a wonderful concert. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 139 of Level 1, 16 February 2022


Wednesday 16 February 2022, Day 139 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a day that became increasingly better, starting with some rain and a rainbow, seen on Camps Bay Whats App Groups; for preparing for my Client Status meetings; for a brisk walk to the Theatre on the Bay to buy tickets; for assistance from Discovery Sea Point, to send through my eye test proof (not charmed when I received a message this afternoon that an error was made😱), to find Continue reading →

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 21 of Level 1, 21 October 2021.


Thursday 21 October 2021, Day 21 of Level 1 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a lovely day, starting off cool, warming up, and ending cold and windy as the rain clouds roll in; for a good preparation for my Status meetings this morning; for a walk to Woolies, to buy winter soup ingredients, popping in at the Theatre on the Bay on the way, so happy for our Camps Bay icon that it has opened its first show since Lockdown, and for William the best Computicket staff member in the world still being there 👏👏👏👏; for my Dinkel rolls waiting for me; after a Continue reading →

WhaleTales, Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 10 July

imageTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   International tourist arrivals increased by 4% between January and April this year, according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) World Tourism Barometer. In the same period international tourism arrivals in our country decreased by 7%, and those to Africa by 6%, largely due to Ebola in the case of the latter, Continue reading →