Tag Archives: Mike Abel

Meaningful Monday: What we can learn from new 2023 Wimbledon Men’s Single Champion Carlos Alcaraz

Yesterday world tennis history was made when 20 year old Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz won the Wimbledon Men’s Singles Final against Serbian Novak Djokovic in a close to five hour long battle.

I don’t know much about Tennis, but when I saw a Social Media post of the Camps Bay Social Club that it would be screening the Men’s Single Final, I spontaneously booked a table. And what a great vibe it was in the restaurant, with the sentiment strongly in support for Alcaraz.

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 18 of Level 4, 18 May 2020.


Monday 18 May 2020, Day 18 of Level 4 after 35 days at Level 5 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another beautiful day, not so warm at only 20C, but sunny; for another excellent Exercise Time this morning, walking up to Clifton 3rd Beach, there being very few Exercisers; for having our domestic garbage removed today, other areas like Sea Point linked to the Woodstock Depot not so lucky, it being closed for the next three days due to Virus infections there; for chatting to Giles Blanc, owner of The 41 restaurant, and then regular coffee drinkers Haakon and Thomas Bauerkämper, exchanging experiences about ordering Camps Bay Restaurant Food delivered to home; for a very relaxed afternoon; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: SA Government lam-basted for action on cooked food sales, threatened with legal action about its ‘illegal’ ban on Take-Away hot foods prepared in supermarkets!


The South African Government is facing legal action regarding the State of Disaster regulations on a number of fronts, including the ‘race-related’ allocation of funds to tourism businesses from the Tourism Relief Fund, a case brought by AfriForum, and to be heard this coming week.  Now the unknown Sakeliga is threatening court action if the Government does not withdraw its new ruling that hot and prepared foods sold on a Take-Away basis by supermarkets, announced last week as Phase 1 of the Lockdown period expired. Woolworths and the DA opposition party are making their voices heard in the matter too. Prohibiting cooked and frozen foods has provoked the strongest reaction by the public to any of the Corona Virus Lockdown regulations, stronger than the ban on the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, and the walking of dogs.  Continue reading →

WhaleTales Tourism, Food, and Wine news headlines: 24 July

WhaleTalesTourism, Food, and Wine news headlines

*   The Royal baby boy Prince George Alexander Louis Cambridge could be worth $1 billion, according to eTurboNews.

*   Burgundy has been hit by a severe storm with hail and rain, with 75% of some vineyards destroyed, reports Dr Vino’s blog.

*    Two young Capetonians, Marthinus Botha and De Vos Meaker, have launched a ‘local is lekker’ brand Green Shebeen, attracting eco-conscious wine drinkers.   The brand has been developed as a joint venture with Org de Rac Estate in the Swartland, and is contemporary and hip, yet based on age-old organic farming methods, making it a premium organic wine that is accessible, fun and totally unpretentious. The brand has been launched with a Rosé and Chardonnay. (via Catalyst Communications).

*   South African wines and rooibos tea will be sold on a trial basis by a supermarket group in Brazil, after a trip last week with the Department of Trade & Industry (DTI). Continue reading →