Tag Archives: Ryan COle

Corona Lockdown Level 3: More than 660 Restaurants offer Food & Alcohol Delivery & Collection in Cape Town & Winelands!


Yesterday our new total of Restaurants offering a Food and Alcohol Delivery and Collection Service in Cape Town and the Winelands reached 660, with 4800 members in the Facebook Group which I created at the beginning of May, when the introduction of Level 4 allowed restaurants to open for the Delivery of Food, boosted from 1 June by restaurants being allowed to sell alcohol and to offer a Collection Service from their premises at Level 3.


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Corona Virus Lockdown: Increasing number of Eat Out Top 10 Restaurants offering Home Food Delivery!


South Africa is two months into Lockdown, 62 days of restaurants not being allowed to open to serve sit-down customers. For the past 27 days many restaurants have reopened, operating within the Government regulation of offering a Food preparation and Delivery Service. On the eve of Restaurants being allowed to offer a Delivery as well as a Customer Collection Service from Monday 1 June, I looked at what the 2019 Eat Out Top 10 Restaurants are doing currently in terms of keeping their Restaurant brand names visible, and generating income to cover their costs and to employ some of their staff again.

I found that only three of the Eat Out Top 10 Restaurants are trading under their restaurant name in offering a Lockdown Food Delivery Service, and offering dishes that are similar to those that they offer at their award-winning restaurants. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 20 of Level 4, 20 May 2020.:


Wednesday 20 May 2020, Day 20 of Level 4, after 35 days of Level 5. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for such a lucky day all round, it being the 20th after all ; for the most exceptional weather, at 29 C, summer making a repeat visit before we face winter from tomorrow onwards; for Exercise Time shared with many others today, I luckily taking a different route, up Geneva Drive; for meeting Mahmud Fredericks along the way back home, and walking and chatting up to my apartment; for my apartment terrace furniture rearrangement, after two years, giving me space to put a small round table right up against my plants, on a raised section, sitting in the beautiful sun; for another good Restaurant Food Delivery Facebook Group day, with over 100 new members; for a wonderful accolade from the Camps Bay Community Action Network; for the fabulous news that I have been accepted as the new Foster and future Adoption mom of Minsky by DARG, with the delivery likely to be tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️; for the offer from Mykonos Taverna in Sea Point to deliver a Mezze platter of Greek treats for me to try, to which I invited my Hong Kong neighbour Kyle, my first dinner (still at 20C) by candlelight on the terrace with a dining partner in 7 weeks; for a walk to the shops to buy a litter tray and cat litter, with fabulous service from Absolute Pets and Pick n Pay, a heavy weight to carry back home; and for feeling happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →