Thursday 28 January 2021, Day 33 of Level 3 Adjusted, Day 309 of Lockdown 😷
Corona Gratitude 🙏
#Grateful for a lovely smooth flowing day; for it being a warm 24C day without wind; for a PowerWalk to Clifton and back, happy that it gave me 300 Discovery points after yesterday’s disappointing points; for a bonus 400 points for my healthy Pick n Pay purchases; for a good status meeting with my client, finalising the Valentine’s Day Menu ❤️; for collecting my poppyseed rolls at Dinkel Bakery; for shopping for my German treats at Hartlief; for a quick pop-in at the Waterfront, quiet this afternoon, paying my hopefully last Vodacom contract account ever; for a chocolate purchase at Tomes ❤️, and collecting my post; for a late breakfast at the WCafé at Woolworths; for collecting ordered lightbulbs at RG Jack for our apartment block; for a lovely dinner at Utopia with dear friend Charlotte Zachariou and her husband Nick, visiting our city from Knysna, being spoilt with oysters, they eating the Tasting Menu (5 courses at R195) while I had an octopus starter and ice cream dessert, playing Uber for them; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →