Tag Archives: Covid regulations

Utopia Cape Town opens for Lunch and early Dinner from tomorrow 30 December until 15 January!


In accordance with the adjusted Level 3 regulations announced by President Ramaphosa last night, Utopia Cape Town will be open for Lunch and early Dinner from 12h00 daily until 20h00 as of tomorrow 30 December, until 15 January. The restaurant previously only opened for lunch on weekends. Continue reading →

Musgrave Spirits launches Musgrave Copper flavour-infused Vanilla and Black Honey Brandy, the ‘Bourbon’ of Brandy!


Last week I attended a small intimate Media Event at Musgrave Spirits in Salt River, with only ten guests, to introduce its Musgrave Copper flavour-infused Pot Still Brandy. Musgrave Spirits is well-known for its Gin, and its Pink Gin in particular. We were introduced to the Brandy on ice, with mixers, as Savoury drinks, and ended off the evening with delicious Don Pedros. Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 16 of Level 1, 6 October 2020.


Tuesday 6 October 2020, Day 16 of Level 1, Day 194 of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 😷

#Grateful for another fabulous day in this magic week; for the lovely weather today, sunny at 22C with no wind; for recovering from a busy weekend and yesterday; for a peaceful walk through Camps Bay, being able to rescue a Woolworths trolley near the beach, and through Bakoven late this afternoon, both refreshing and energizing; for one of the Ghanaian renters having checked out of our building today, the other noisy one still here 😱; for a lovely chat with Bubeka of Absolute Pets when I went to buy some cat treats; for a possibility of a freelance job which just came to me, not having applied for it, combining my German and a past career; for the kindest invitation to a lunch next week; for dancing to Dansdag on Kfm; for receiving a box of ingredients from B-Well for an online cooking show Chef Jennifer Morris is doing tomorrow; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 12 of Level 2, 29 August 2020.


Saturday 29 August 2020, Day 12 of Level 2, 156th Day of Lockdown 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for all the rain that fell throughout the night, especially the cloudburst at around midnight, and this morning; for keeping warm despite our coldest day this year; for making a good plan in spending a day off; for buying Quark at Dinkel Bakery, another Mutti memory; going back to The Labia for the first time in five months, feeling very safe with their adherence to Covid regulations and seat spacing, and loving seeing the entrance interior, with a few things moved around, and of course not jam-packed with moviegoers, being able to see the beautiful design of the Ticket Office and Snack Bar; for being able to return an item at Sportsman’s Warehouse at The Point Mall in Sea Point ; for having two Discovery vouchers with which I could buy Raw Nuts at DisChem; for finding a new pair of walking shorts at PnP Clothing, not my normal haunt 😱; for finding Chef Chen Sushi Bar, his new outlet having opened four weeks ago on the third floor of The Point, delicious….. ; for fleetingly seeing Rose Klein and her Werner on the escalators in opposite directions; for a quick drop in at Woolies and Pick n Pay Camps Bay; for a refreshing Bakoven walk; for no Loadshedding despite this icy weather; and for being happy and healthy. 🙏💙 Continue reading →