Tag Archives: Personal care

Regulations for Lockdown Alert Level 2 gazetted: No mention of lifting cigarette ban in regulations!


I was fortunate to receive a copy of the gazetted Lockdown Level 2 regulations prior to the presentation by Minister Dlamini-Zuma at a Media Livestream just after lunch time today.


The Regulations are as follows:

1. The Curfew remains in place, from 22h00 – 4h00

2. A mask must be worn at all times when leaving one’s home, including in public transport

3. No more than 50 persons may attend a funeral

4.  No evictions from own accommodation is allowed.

5.  Any disputes regarding rented accommodation must be heard by the Rental Housing Tribunal

6.  Gatherings are not allowed except for a funeral, a religious gathering, the workplace, conferences and meetings, cinemas (maximum of 50 persons), theatres, concerts, and live performances of up to 50 persons. casinos, auctions, sporting activities, weddings (limited to 50 persons), social events at one’s home with a maximum of 10 persons, fitness centres and gyms (maximum of 50 persons), sports fields, swimming pools (maximum of 50 persons), beaches, public parks, museums, galleries, libraries, Personal Care services, restaurants, bars (maximum of 50 persons), Taverns (maximum of 50 persons), Shebeens (maximum of 50 persons), tour operators, and all accommodation establishments including AirBnB (maximum of 50% of floor space).

7.  Night clubs are not allowed to open.

8.  The country’s borders remain closed except for ports (but cruise ship stops are still banned), and for approved flights for persons requiring international medical care, and for incoming and outgoing repatriation travel.

9.  Transport regulations: buses and taxis may not carry more than 70% for long distance travel, and 100% for any other travel; all passengers must wear a mask.

10.  Licensed on-consumption establishments may sell alcohol (no timing restrictions) , while licensed off-consumption outlets may sell alcohol on Mondays – Thursdays, from 9h00 – 17h00.

A shock is that the ban on cigarette sales, which the President announced would be lifted, is not mentioned in the gazetted Level 2 regulations at all. A news report by News24 states: ‘Level two has no provisions on tobacco, which means no restrictions or limits in the sale of cigarettes, vaping liquid, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or anything associated with these products’.  In her speech, the Minister mentioned that cigarettes should be smoked responsibly, and should not be shared!


About Chris von Ulmenstein

Chris von Ulmenstein, WhaleTales Blog: www.chrisvonulmenstein.com/blog Tel +27 082 55 11 323 Twitter:@Ulmenstein Facebook: Chris von Ulmenstein, My Cape Town Guide/Mein Kapstadt Guide Instagram: @Chrissy_Ulmenstein @MyCapeTownGuide


Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 17 of Level 3, 17 June 2020.


Wednesday 17 June 2020, Day 17 of Level 3, after 66 days of Levels 5 and 4. 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#Grateful for another beautiful day, in the mid-20C, sunny, warm, and a joy to be outside; for a walk in Camps Bay, popping in at Absolute Pets to say hello to Bubeka and sharing the Minsky cat escapades 🐱 with her, and buying a replacement alarm battery from Camps Bay Hardware, Jared always offering extra special service and resident prices; for a long Vit D dose on the terrace; for bumping into Linda Ransome and #eyecandy on my walk; for a second walk to Bakoven later this afternoon; for the nice photos which Danish Marlena sent me today, edited versions of those she took yesterday; for a Gameboard play on Discovery Vitality today; for darling Minsky coming back inside when I let her out this afternoon without giving me another heart attack as she did last night 🐱; and for feeling happy and healthy. 🙏💙

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