Tag Archives: utopia

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 181 of Level 1, 30 March 2022.


Wednesday 30 March 2022, Day 181 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a lovely cool day, at 19C, with unexpected rain at lunchtime, and a misty end of the day in Camps Bay, so cold that I bought ingredients at Woolies for my first pot of soup of the year; for preparing for four clients, meeting at two locations, all going well, and receiving praise from the owner of the second one for how well things are going; for another Appeltaart and TWG tea treat at Labotessa Hotel & Café, just loving this hidden gem on Church Square, and having a meeting with Continue reading →

Corona Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 175 of Level 1, 24 March 2022


Thursday 24 March 2022, Day 175 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a slightly scary day turning into a fabulous day, getting better as the day progressed; for preparing Status Reports for Utopia and Anatoli, but not being able to print them as my right hand could not get to work today, getting it done at Wizardz in the Waterfront ; for getting an implant tooth replaced, made by my dentist with his high-tech 3D machine, being able to smile again 💙; for short and sweet Status meetings; for deciding to have a belated breakfast at Labotessa Hotel & Café Continue reading →

Unique New Proudly SA Cape St Blaize Gin launched in Mossel Bay, named after lighthouse!


Utopia Cape Town is one of the first restaurants to stock the brand new Cape St Blaize range of gins, distilled in its artisanal distillery in Mossel Bay.

I attended a tasting at Utopia, led by Leroy Maritz of the three gin variants.

What makes the gin unique is the beautiful handcrafted hand labelled porcelain ceramic bottles, which have been specially made by Mossel Bay locals. The brand home is a historic building which dates back to 1786/7.

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Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 167 of Level 1, 16 March 2022


Wednesday 16 March 2022, Day 167 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a catch up day, postponing today’s client meetings to tomorrow; for posting for my clients; for a call from Jeanine at The Grand, apologizing for the service issues 🙏; for a lovely message from my Safari Tour clients; for a good sunset walk in a strong wind, blowing away the cobwebs; for enjoying the silence around me today; for Zest receiving a good review in the Good Bad and Nasty FaceBook Group; for seeing kind Henry again; for two Discovery Gameboard plays and cashing in on a Woolworths shopping voucher; and and for being happy, healthy and free. 🙏💙 Continue reading →