We have written about Crush!1, Crush!2 and Crush!3, Michael Olivier’s digital food and wine magazine, which he launched last year. As other publications are being launched which embrace food and wine, both digitally and in print, I chose to evaluate Crush!4 against its competitors, putting myself in the shoes of a food and/or wine marketer, deciding where to spend a marketing budget, and as a food and wine lover, deciding where to spend my time reading. I evaluated Winestyle, TASTE, and Crush!4, all three magazines focusing on food and wine, with a Postscript on Crush!5.
The first (Summer) issue of Winestyle was sent to subscribers (note one does not pay to receive the magazine) in December, and its concept is a most creative and environmentally-friendly “print on demand” one. This saves the publishers from over-printing, saving paper and costs, and ultimately the environment. It is published quarterly. What makes it unique is that a weekly newsletter is sent by e-mail to each subscriber, updating them on food and wine news. While the brand carry-over is not strong in terms of the banner design of the newsletter (initially I thought the newsletters were from wine consultant Nikki Dumas, who has a similar company name). This builds brand awareness weekly, and bridges the quarterly print publishing period.
The 88-page magazine is larger than the standard A4 size, and has an attractive cover, although it is not photographed in a vineyard. The paper quality is outstanding, as is the photography. Editor Jenny Ratcliffe-Wright is from Warwick wine estate originally, where her mother Norma and brother Mike make excellent wines, and this makes Jenny well-connected to the wine industry. In her editorial Jenny writes: “It is our intention to help everyone make full use of every wine-drinking day …. it’s your passport to all things enjoyable, to in-the-know wines, delicious and simple-to-prepare food and accessible travel – all in a large, sexy, glossy, collectible magazine”. The theme of the Summer edition is celebration, and therefore champagnes and sparkling wines are predominantly featured.
Advertising support is impressive for a first edition, and reflects the confidence of the advertisers in the publication, and wine estates Graham Beck, Glen Carlou, Clos Malverne, Kleine Zalze, Nederburg, Highlands Road Estate, OBiKWA, Creation, Eikendal, Adoro Wines, Muratie, and Morgenhof have taken full-page ads. Jenny anticipates having 2500 subscribers by the time the next issue is launched in March.
The editorial content includes a focus on sparkling wine producers in Franschhoek and Stellenbosch, including JC le Roux, Simonsig, Villiera, Morgenhof, Cabrière, Graham Beck, Anura, and Sterhuis, and recommends accommodation and restaurants in the area. A profile on a very casual looking Jean-Philippe Colmant, making excellent bubbly in Franschhoek and importing champagnes, is written by Cape Talk’s John Maytham. A travel feature focuses on the Champagne region, which is informative and has beautiful photographs. A food feature focuses on Tapas, with short recipes, and amazing photography by Christoph Heierli. A Restaurant feature recommends places offering ‘alfresco dining’ in Johannesburg, Durban, the Winelands and Cape Town. A feature on cocktails has some that call for sparkling wine. The results of a wine-tasting, a panel comparing South African sparkling wines Silverthorn, Colmant Brut, Villiera, Jacques Bruére, and Simonsig, with champagnes Moët & Chandon, Veuve Cliquot, Piper-Heidsieck, Pol Roger and Tribaut Brut Tradition, are featured. Joint first winners were Silverthorn the Green Man Brut and Tribaut Brut Tradition. A tasting panel evaluation of the 2010 vintage Sauvignon Blanc of Groote Post, David Nieuwoudt Ghost Corner, Neil Joubert, Arabella, Sophie Terblance, Delaire, Diemersdal, Klein Constantia, De Grendel and Du Toitskloof ranks them in this order. An article on cigars concludes what must be the most excellent food and wine publication available locally now.
I cannot wait for the Autumn edition. I do recommend that there be more synergy between the magazine and the newsletter as well as its website in terms of branding and design. Of the three magazines reviewed in this blogpost, Winestyle is the best by far, and we congratulate editor Jenny on this achievement for her maiden issue.
Woolworths’ in-house magazine is written and published by New Media Publishing, and they have regularly won ADMag and Pica Awards for Customer Magazine of the Year for it, most recently in 2009. It costs R20,95, is published monthly, and is sold in outlets other than Woolworths too. It is A4 in size, with 134 pages, and does not have a statement to describe what it stands for, but its cover photograph represents food. Wines appear to be a secondary focus. The editor is highly regarded Sumien Brink, with Abigail Donnelly ably at her side.
Advertisers are a mixed bunch, including car retailers, liquor brands (Darling Cellars, Krone, Bombay Sapphire, Veuve Cliquot, Brand House), watch brands, kitchen suppliers, decor brands, food brands (Lancewood, Lindt), investment companies, a restaurant (Cape Town Fish Market), and accommodation, most of the brands not sold by Woolworths at all.
The editorial content of the December issue includes a Trends feature, and food related trends are featured with beautiful large photographs by Lee Malan and Jan Ras. Where recipes are featured, they are short and sweet, and do not dominate the look of any page (something competitors House and Leisure Food can learn from). A Foodstuff feature focuses on products that are sold at Woolworths, but most are non-branded items, and the Woolworths link is very low key. It even has an interview with and one done by Andy Fenner, who writes the JamieWho? blog, a contributor to Crush! issues 2, 3 and 4, but he has withdrawn his support, probably due to his new (not yet clearly defined) involvement with Woolworths, and not wanting to be associated with his friend David Cope’s disparaging Twitter campaign against ourselves, in retaliation to our review of Crush!3. A chicken feature by man-of-the-moment Justin Bonello, a fish focus by Sam Woulidge, a canapé feature by Mariana Esterhuizen of Mariana’s, a feature on Dewetshof by Woolworths wine consultant Allan Mullins, and a feature on Oded Schwartz of Oded’s Kitchen and his relishes, chutneys and preserves, follow. Christmas recipes are featured, but are few in number. Restaurants featured are the fabulous Babel on Babylonstoren (next door to Backsberg), and the heavenly Hemelhuijs. Blueberries are featured, with recipes, as are Summer lunch recipes. An exclusive extract from Australian Bill Granger’s receipe book “Bill’s Basics” is featured. A travel feature by Judy van der Walt focuses on the Dordogne region, and the magazine ends off with a month’s worth of recipes for snacks, lunches, tea time, and suppers.
I hadn’t bought a TASTE magazine for a while, and remembered it to be more attractive and impactful. The focus may be too much on recipes, and too little on wines. The features are written by good quality journalists, and could possibly be expanded. I liked the way Woolworths as a brand is not ‘in your face’ when reading the magazine – in fact I wouldn’t have minded more direct brand-linkage, to know what to look for when next I shop. There are so many organic and other quality suppliers to Woolworths of fruit and vegetables and other foods, as well as of wines, which could all be the subject of features, not necessarily linked to recipes only. A “new Woolworths products” feature would be welcome. For a marketer, TASTE would be an important advertising medium to consider, given its association with Woolworths, and the profile of the Woolworths shopper, with a reasonable disposable income. There is little carry-over between the magazine and its website.
The digital food and wine magazine Crush! has no print partner, and is haphazard in its publishing frequency. On Twitter the editorial team hint at how busy they are in doing work for the publication, but on average it appears to take them two months or longer to publish a new issue. The arrival of the new magazine is announced on Twitter and by e-mail, as one has to subscribe to receive a link to it, and is free of charge.
Crush!4 has 44 pages and was published early in December. It appears to have lost its restaurant reviewer JP Rossouw, and Olivier has taken over writing the restaurant reviews, something we suggested in one of our earlier Crush! reviews. We are delighted with another of our recommendations that Olivier adopted, which was to let (lady) bloggers participate in his magazine, and he has done so by giving highly regarded blogger Jane-Anne Hobbs from Scrumptious blog a recipe feature, and he has introduced a recipe competition, in which the recipes of bloggers Colleen Grove, Jeanne Horak-Druiff, Meeta Khurana-Wolff and Nina Timm can be evaluated by readers.
The navigation of the pages, and more particularly the content on each page, remains tedious. The front cover looks better, the copy on top of the photograph being easier to read, but it is not yet perfect, especially when one compares the ‘less is more’ covers of the two other magazines above. Most flashing gimmicks have been removed from the front cover, and have largely been discontinued. Advertising support is poor, and appears reduced relative to previous issues, and compared to the two other publications above, with only Hidden Valley, Pongracz, Laborie, Old Mutual and Ultra Liquors advertising.
The content consists of a wine page written by Olivier, and features premium brandy cocktails, a vineyard dog, wine finds, a wine myth and an overview of Sauvignon Blanc. The Essentials page, as before, has products with poor brand recognition, but the names are typed alongside each product. A Plaisir de Merle feature is a good promotion for the wine estate. The recipe pages by Jane-Anne Hobbs have fantastic photography done by herself (perhaps she should become the Crush!photographer!), but I could only get to see three recipes (soup, dessert, gammon) – I am sure there were more, judging by the six bottles alongside the opening recipe, and Olivier recommends a wine per recipe. The names of the wines are not typed alongside the bottles. The JamieWho? page by Andy Fenner is blocked by a Laborie promotion box, still has silly moving balloon captions, and focuses on Absinthe, Champagne, Hangover Cures, Jardine’s Christmas cake, and Christmas cocktails. In two of his mini-stories the copy ends mid-sentence. The review of Babel Restaurant at Babylonstoren is blocked by a competition box, and one does not know how to close it. Restaurant names at the bottom of the Babel article are harder to read on the right hand side, especially ‘Cafeen’.
A seven-day recipe card feature by Carey Boucher-Erasmus (a food consultant to the Pick ‘n Pay Cookery School, according to Google) is easy to follow and read, but no information is supplied about who Carey is. There is no consistency in the colours used for the names of white and red wines alongside the bottles, the white wine names typed in blue (High Five) or in green (Quaff Now). Sophia Lindop does great food features, but has used herbs in the last two issues (rocket in the current issue and rosemary last time), making it hard to see dishes prepared with these, and thus to have attractive photographs, even if they are photographed by star photographer Russel Wasserfall. David Cope outs himself as a guest house reviewer, of South Hills, presented on a messy red and white check background which is similar to that which he uses on his ‘The Foodie’ blog. A summer picnic spead looks good enough to eat off the screen, and is prepared by Luisa Farelo, but there is no indication as to who she is (I could not find any information about her on Google). The focus on Parlotones wines, named after the group, is fun in having their music videos, but I did struggle to get one to play properly. I also struggled to find the way to open the Prince Albert feature by Russel Wasserfall, eventually finding it at the bottom right, in the smallest possible type size. A feature on trendy Artisan Breads tells the Knead story, with colour photographs, and mentions the names of only five other artisanal bakeries around the country – there are that many others in Cape Town alone! Helen Untiedt’s organic vegetable garden, and a Book Review page conclude Crush!4.
My overwhelming frustration with Crush! is the difficulty of reading it, and the struggle to move forward or to close what one has opened. The promotional boxes blocking copy remains a problem, which cheapens the magazine and is irritating to have to close. Perhaps Olivier and the design team can look at Opulent Living’s e-magazine, only 8 pages long but published regularly – it is easy to read, has no promotions, with beautiful photographs – a top class digital magazine! I was interested to see the Crush! blogger recipe rating, and the low participation is a surprise (the highest vote is by only 100 readers after two months), given Olivier’s claim that the magazine would go to more than 1 million readers! If I were a marketer, I would not advertise in Crush!, as a digital magazine cannot present a food or wine brand with the appetite appeal that a print magazine can, especially given the poor pack presentation. I would therefore love to see a print version of Crush!, as it contains lots of good information, and could make for beautiful pages of copy and photography, something one would want to keep.
Crush!5 was launched today. JamieWho? (Andy Fenner) has been replaced by Neil Stemmet, a talented interior designer, and he adds an Afrikaans dimension to Crush!, with all five his recipes in Afrikaans on his “Soutenpeper” page (this is causing a problem for English readers!). David Cope has lost his name, and is only referred to as “The Foodie”, with no red and white check background to his contributions anymore, and both his article on Paternoster, and on FoodWineDesign in Johannesburg (held in November!!), are long-winded and boring, with few attractive photographs. Jane-Anne Hobbs (unfortunately) has been replaced by Clare Bock (owner of Appetite catering company, I learnt from Google) in a food/wine matching feature – by chance I worked out how this feature works – if you click on a wine bottle, an appropriate recipe pops up, rather than finding an appropriate wine to match the recipe! The five food bloggers in the recipe rating section are complete unknowns. Luisa Farelo (with an introduction in this issue – she is a chef and food stylist) does another feature, this time on Sunday lunches, and the styling is good enough to eat again. A food and wine events calendar is a good new addition, while a classifieds section probably is not, the ads being so small that one cannot read them. A feature on The Test Kitchen, and owner and chef Luke Dale-Roberts, is good with great food photographs, as is the one on Jordan Winery, but the labels underneath the bottles are so tiny that one may not see them. The interview with Bertus Basson of Overture (Michael is a stickler for spelling, but misspells the restaurant name in his introduction) is weird, and probably does not do him a favour. Advertisers are Fairview, Pongracz, Old Mutual, and Avocado magazine.
Chris von Ulmenstein, Whale Cottage Portfolio: www.whalecottage.com Twitter: WhaleCottage
I stopped bothering to read Crush! Too much of a struggle…reading is supposed to be relaxing. Not the case when you struggle your way through Crush! Sadly.
RE Crush, you can’t read the damn thing not that there is much to read anyway, Crush it if you ask me. Not bothering with it in future.
I just read the new Crush addition and was very disappointed by the soutenpeper article as I don’t speak Afrikaans and there was no way of translating it. Had a little back and forth via email with Michael, who eventually seemed a bit upset by my critique(I just mentioned pity I can’t read it) and informed me in his third mail that our conversation was now over. Interesting…
Just regsitered for Winestyle – very curious!
Thank you for sharing your experience with your feedback to Michael Olivier Annika.
Michael does not like feedback, as I have noticed, and he uses silence/non-response, an abusive Twitter campaign via David Cope, and Twitter blocking to deal with it. All rather childish for a man well into his 60’s or more!
I love your blog, visually as well as in content – well done.
Crush is a dead duck. Bury it.
I wish some of Michael’s good wine friends will tell him to let it go. I overheard producers saying how embarrassing it is, as they do not want to hurt his feelings, but the product is so bad, they cannot advertise…everything he does you have to pay for…crush! and his”radio show” on wine…all sponsored.. The only reason he has the time slot on Expresso is because of the Pick & Pay sponsorship, I believe the producers even sad that Jenny Morris and Sonia Cabano were much better, but they had no choice…sad.
Thanks, Chris, very sweet of you!
By the way – winstyle.co.za has a free online ‘class’ on the basics of wine – with complete chapters and quizzes – such a cool idea for all of us who didn’t grow up in a vineyard.
Hi Chris. Thanks for the great review. A website overhaul is actually in progress to bring the mag and website closer together in branding terms. I agree with your comments.
March issue is just about to be put to bed and we think it’s looking exciting. Maybe you’d like a preview of a page or two to whet the appetites of your readers? Please keep sending feedback. It’s the only way we can give the wine drinker and lover (not just taster) what they want. J R-W
Super Jenny, and congrats again on your great publication and environmentally-friendly publishing concept.
Annika Ziehen is one of your new subscribers, after reading this blogpost.
I would love some preview pages please. I have sent you an e-mail, so you should have the address.
Dear Lolla, David, Melvyn and Anna
Thank you for your feedback about Crush! It would be great if Michael Olivier could react to feedback constructively, to make his publication better.
To date he has not corrected his Overture typo, even though we pointed it out to him in our blogpost.
As a reader of foodie magazines, and not a marketer, I have to disagree. Crush is easy to navigate and a pleasure to read if you are far enough up the Evolutionary ladder to have opposing thumbs and have a smidgen of computer-literacy.The subscribers are apparently increasing consistently, and in the end that is the only thing any marketer needs to worry about: exposure. The articles may not all be to everyone’s taste, (pardon the pun) but what is? I find the absence of articles shoving own-brand items down my throat (as in Taste, and the Pick-n-Pay magazine) refreshing, the wine recommendations spot-on, and the recipes I have tried so far worked perfectly. Best of course is that it’s for free, so my advice would be not to look a gift horse in the mouth.
PS: Annika- don’t begrudge us poor marginalized Afrikaners some reading in our own language, rather learn to “praat die taal!” Zo vele tale wie je kan, so vele male ben je man.
Michael Olivier is a deeply respected and beloved professional held in the highest regard by his colleagues in the industry. I have personally been deeply saddened by the vituperative campaign against him, the reason for which many of us fail to fathom. At what point does fair comment or criticism begin to veer into the realm of the vindictive and malicious?
Some of the comments above teeter on the slanderous. I expect better from you, Chris.
What on earth are you talking about Sonia ? if Michael can’t take constructive criticism he should pack up and give up, he is near enough to retirement age anyway. I personally don’t rate crush at all, its not filling any void its just more static on the net, none the less I wish him all the best for trying, its good to see an old dog learning new tricks. However his extremely childish reaction to criticism and observations does him no favours at all, and if he is found to behind the immature and obscene twitter whalespotter he could find himself with even less advertisers, no company wants to be associated with such obscenities.
Dear Sonia
How nice to ‘meet’ you again!
I am not sure which campaign against Michael Olivier you are referring to? Whatever I have written about Crush! is how I have experienced it. I would be happy to hear from Michael, and for him to respond to what I and others have written about Crush! We have invited Michael to do so since issue 1, but he has refused all contact. I am chuffed though that he does appear to read our blogposts and that he is making changes, given our feedback.
I am quite surprised that you should write about slander, but then condone the vicious Twitter campaign which the Crush! team launched in retaliation to our review of Crush!3, driven by David Cope, and that Michael has not used his ‘maturity’ and ‘wisdom’ to put an end to it.
Perhaps we should meet for that lunch that you cancelled many months ago?
Thanks for your comment Kobus.
Most e-magazines have good navigation guidelines, and they are getting better on Crush!, but are certainly not perfect yet.
@Michael, it is clear why you are on Expresso, it is not because you are so wonderful, it is because Pick & Pay sponsors your slot. That is what Expresso is about…sponsorships. From your tweets it is clear you missed this point…”my tv slot”, etc. It is NOT about you. And YES, if it comes out that you are behind this Whalespotter business, it will be the end of the little bit of attention you are still enjoying. @Sonia, please, get a life. You are alienating people left right and center. You do not pitch for meetings, you hardly ever see any project through, and not one of your business dealings (or personal dealings for that matter, I refer to to your previous house mate for instance, now, he would be able to take you on for slander, the disgusting things you said about him on Facebook!) have EVER had a positive ending. Can it always be the other person’s fault? Wake up, people know about you, Hout Bay is buzzing about you and your poor business conduct. Not good. My advice to you is to not mix alcohol with your bi-polar medication, and to mind your own business. And as for you Chris. stop pissing people off, and take action on the twitter matter. Make an effort to find out who the Whalespotter is, there are ways, I am sure.
Wow Maria, that was quite a rap over the knuckles for Michael, Sonia and myself!
I certainly don’t write to cheese people off – I write the truth, even if it is controversial at times. If our readers feel insulted, they should not read this blog. I have tried everything to stop David Cope and his Twitter campaign, but Twitter allows disparagement and libel to the benefit of freedom of speech.
Hi Chris – I’m afraid I don’t know anything about the Twitter campaign – I don’t actually know how to read Twits and as a rule I don’t really read blogs at all, apart from Clare’s and JPR’s, and then very rarely. The Internet seems to bring out the worst in people, as you can see from above.
So, I hope you lot can bury your grievances with each other somehow and get on with it. There must be a civilised way in which to settle mutual unhappiness. Life really is too short. About lunch – no problem, with the proviso that we don’t discuss blogs, bloggers or tweeters or whatever they are called!
“Twits” is a good word to use Sonia! They certainly are.
I still have your cell number – will call you about lunch next week.