Tag Archives: Kloof Street House

Kloof Street in Cape Town named one of the Coolest Streets in the World by TImeOut!


Kloof Street in Gardens in Cape Town is making a comeback, once known for having the largest number of restaurants in one street in Cape Town, until Bree Street took over the accolade.

Now Kloof Street has been named as one of 33 coolest streets in the world by TimeOut, ranked at number 26.

The Street has a large number of eateries (including Chef Jan-Hendrik van der Westhuizen’s JAN Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 91 of Level 1, 30 December 2021


Thursday 30 December 2021, Day 91 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a more relaxed yet working day, preparing for my Status Meetings this afternoon; for a coolish day at 21C, the South Easter blowing now with a cold bite; for a midday Bakoven walk; for buying two poppyseed rolls at Dinkel, for oulaas in 2021, so nice to see Cain again; for a reasonably empty city while driving to Utopia for my two meetings, happy that its New Year’s Eve bookings picked up so nicely, interesting that diners Continue reading →

Corona Virus: Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 90 of Level 1, 29 December 2021


Wednesday 29 December 2021, Day 90 of Level 1 😷

Corona Lockdown Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for a bizarre high and low day today, waking up from a horrid nightmare, almost never dreaming 😱; for a working morning; for meeting Florian Gast and Barbara Lenhard for lunch at Zest, spoilt with the gift of a cellphone holder ‘sling bag’, all the rage in Europe, catching up on more news and enjoying the sunshine and lunch #vielendank; for both my newkings and Zest Status meetings falling away, but meeting with staff of both clients, spending four hours there in total; for two Discovery Gameboard plays today; for putting in almost a full tank of petrol, at R900 😱; for a Continue reading →

Corona Virus:Lockdown Journey Journal, Day 5 of Level 2, 17 September 2021


Friday 17 September 2021, Day 5 of Level 2 😷

Corona Gratitude 🙏

#grateful for an action-packed day, but well-timed with one exception; for a sunny warm 21C day but with the South-Easter blowing; for my rolls and also eggs waiting for me at Dinkel Bakery;  for good Anatoli and Utopia Status meetings, the first time we’ve held them in the morning, as the client postponed them to today; for dropping off Chef Prim Reddy Chapter prize of Adhara Extra Virgin olive oil as a 2021 Top 10 Woman Chef at her Indian Chapter restaurant in Blouberg, sadly she not there; for a good status meeting at Harvest Culture Continue reading →